More about the program
Redwood Divas
Rising 7th-9th Graders
Session 1: July 28 - 30 (Sun-Tue)
Session 2: Aug. 4 - 6 (Sun-Tue)
Course Start/End: Berkeley
Camp in the redwoods, go on a night hike, learn self-defense, & say "yes" to try! Redwood Divas will head to the North Bay for three days of empowerment, outdoor adventures, & building healthy relationships. Includes 3 full days & 2 nights of camping.
Sunday: Course Start (10am), Community Building, Camping
Monday: Day Hikes, Leadership & Self-Reflection, Night Hike, Camping
Tuesday: Self-Defense!, Closing Activities, Course End (4pm)
Course Tuition: $550
Payment Options
Tuition payments can be made in 1-3 installments.
Donations & Scholarships
Chrysalis Girls Adventures strives to make our courses accessible to all communities by providing transportation, food, and gear. Individual donations help to subsidize course tuition. If cost is a barrier to participation, additional scholarships may be available. Contact us for more information.